Monday, October 6, 2008

Where oh where have we been?

Where have the Griffindales been? Well, they have all been right here, growing and learning and becoming a good little pack of doggies. Where has their mother been? Well, honestly, working her buns off! is paying off! Getting a business tolaunch is tough stuff but we are making positive progress all the time! New clients, lessons learned, marketing...

Yadda, yadda, yadda....

We have not abandoned our friends...Mumsie has just been very busy and tired and hasn't been able to post! I am sorry! We will definately being posting soon....with pictures....

Here's the scoop on the kiddos....

LOLA!!! Wow! She is getting fixed tomorrow and I'm a nervous Mumsie...of course she will be fine but yes, I'm worried! She is after all my baby girl....oh, did I mention that she is pushing 57 lbs at age 6 months and on her way to in size? Yeah, our girl is growing like a weed! She is also very well behaved and a love. She snuggles with her Daddy all the time...seems to be a Daddy's girl.....her color is a gorgeous red and she is smart, smart, smart! She comes with Mumsie to work sometimes too and is great when socializing with other doggies!

Cracker Jack...our big boy...he's healed from his corn cob incident and his hair is finally sort of filling in on his belly. Thank goodness because he was naked for so long! With the colder temperatures coming quickly, it's nice to know he'll have some hair on his tummy. He's feeling a little challenged by Lola and her all consuming presence, requests for attention and her bitey face games....Jack can see the writing on the wall but he's not moving aside easily, that's for sure!

And of course, Number 1 son, Roy Al.....he's my special buddy...loving and needing extra attention, he now sleeps RIGHT NEXT TO Mumsie on the bed each night. He's feeling rather like the king of everything!

So, that's the quick version....more to follow soon...thanks for not forgetting who we are! We love you all...Bark at cha soon!

Mumsie Griffin!


Dandy Duke said...

We'll be thinking about you, Lola! Make sure you take it easy after your surgery and demand lots of treats and hugs!
Thanks for the update, guys! We miss you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

We've missed you guys. Sounds like you've had a lot on. Can't wait to hear more.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Ah...Lola...there is nuthin' wrong with ya...this fix it thing is such a misnomer!! Good luck with the surgery and let me know if you need any nursing help...

BTW...ur have five lbs on Stan the man here!!! I bow to ya girl!!


Willow the Black Dale said...

Lola was broken??? Nobody called to tell me she was broken??? What got fixed Aunt Debbi?
Aunt Debbi my mommy has missed you so much. She is happy your bidness is taking off! No maybe you twos can chat on the phone soon. Personally....I think we need to come and visit you.
Thanks for the comments on my was soooo much fun having everyone pay attention to ME!!! Not that they don't already! tee hee
Big Smooches to all the Dales...oh and the hoomans too,
Willow and the compound

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Don't you worry Lola Dale.... the "fixin" thing is nothing.... piece of cake.... ummmmmm CAKE!!! Tell your mommy that you want ice cream with it....yummy. Looking forward to some new pictures of you.... you big girl. Kiss the boyz for me.

Apache and her tribe

Princess Patches said...

We're glad to hear you are all doing well! Lola, you will be fine a week or two after your fix-it surgery. I, Patches had mine a week ago on Monday and I'm already back to the bitey face and bitey leggies!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Eric said...

Hey Dales, there you are! I'm wagging happy to see your update and your cute squarie faces again. Good luck with the new business to your Mom!

See you soon. Wiry wags Eric x

Peanut said...

What's going on now?

Bogart H. Devil said...

Thinking of you Miss Lola - hope the spay went well! Big Aire Kisses all around :)
