Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day Weekend

Well, it was Father's Day and we were very busy this weekend. We had Ally's Promotion Ceremony too - from 6th Grade to 7th Grade and moving up to Junior High School. Plus she had a Dance Recital this weekend on Saturday. AND then it was Father's Day on Sunday.

Look at poor us...we got (relatively speaking) no attention or love.....we were practically neglected based on recent attention standards....

Here I stand in my kennel room....well, it's really Mumsie's mud room that she gave to us. Wiff just my toys....and my brothers of course....

And that's the fish tank behind them...we get to watch them swim around all day......



Our Mumsie weally loves us......she is so good to us......

Here I am showing Jack that I have good manners......cause I'm the GIRL of the house....

And then Roy Boy and I are sharing some pointers on how to play wiff Jack -Jack....

And here is how Ally, my sister hooman, looked for her promotion and for her recital...isn't she boooooteeeeeeeful? I love my sister.....
Ally rocks in her pink and white.....yes, notice boys....PINK and she is very much a GIRRRRLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!
OOOOOH and here she is on her promotion nite......very booooottteeeefffulllll!
Well, thisis Lola Dale signing off to say the least...I am enjoying my new family and love that both my brothers are play wiff me now and shring toys and space and's totally pawesome! I love my new family and my home.....I am going otbe very comfy.......indeed. Despite being neglected over the weekend....I realize it can't ALWAYS be "Lola Time"
Ciao my pawesome friends.......I may go visit some bloggies today......hope to see you 'round!


Peanut said...

Our girl is going into the 7th grade this next school year too. Her school didn't do that cool promotion ceremony thing. She did get lots of awards for good grades though. Congrats to ally for her perfect score.

Deetz said...

She is very boootiful for sure!!!! I am so proud of you for having a human sister like that. You guys are the coolest.

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Hi Lola...other Mommy Sherry here.... WOW do you have a new cool family or what!? That Ally is so pretty and SMART! I love the new format of your blog Lola... I know, I know.... you share just a little with the boyz...but hey, it's's all good. Have a good day sweetie.

Hugs and Kisses.....

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Lola!!! Do you play with the Wubba too? It looks a little big for you right now, but I'm sure you'll grow into it soon!

I cant' belive you were left alone! Didn't your humans celebrate father's day with you??? Hehehe o-well I'm glad you've gotten some family time in!

Might I add that you are quite the cutie!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Duke said...

Your sissy is VERY beautiful, Lola and we think she's pretty smart to ace her math test! We can't even count to three!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Way to go Ally, she is really beautiful. Dad better get his gun ready all the boys are going to be knocking on your door...
We wanted to tell you thank you so much for all the awesome stuff. Louie tried to steal the jolly ball from Gus but Gus won out.. Louie was perfectly happy with the little squeak toy. We are so luck to have wonderful new friends like you...
Thanks again..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Eric said...

Hello Lola! Got to tell you, though I'm a kind of shy and a b b b -blushing, I think you are a very b b b- bootiful girl. neat that you have a 2 leggeded sissy who is boooooootiful too!And you both like pink!!! Woo- hoo, it get's better.

Those boyz treating you right Lola? Keep 'em in check, easy cos those puppy teeth are needle sharp I seem to remember....he heehehe!

Wiry wags my square dog puppy pal.

Eric x x x x x

Willow the Black Dale said...

Pink rocks!!! Your Ally is as booootiful as my Ally!! They be pink girls like us. My Ally is going into 7th grade too and she won a state science award!!! How did these Ally's get sooooo smart! If must be because they live with dales.
I love your looks like your daddy's. Well off I run to the food dish.
slurps and pokes

Bogart H. Devil said...

You guys must be having so much fun with that frisky new sister of yours... she's such a cutie!


Wuffstuff said...

Three, 3, wow!!!
You must hate gardening!!

Hi from, the social network for dog owners and dog lovers.

We're looking for members with quality dogs and 'tails' to add stuff to our site.

Hope you have time to have a look at us.



The Airechicks said...

More Dales the MERRIER ....

We've had three at our house when we've
foster brothers....

Can't wait to see ALL the adventures and the adventurors ....

What a great time to be a pup....summer and the hoomun pups are home to play with....

Thank you for sharing ....

VERY PRETTY sister - Ally


Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

LOLA!!!! Good news!!! When we are both all the way big, we will be about the same size! I'm suppose to be a 90 to 100 pounder myself! Heheheehe! That's one huge Thanksgiving turkey!!

Hope all is going well for you and your family. Give your mom a big and wet slurp on the face for me!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Harry said...

Aw Lola, you're so pretty, as is your human sister.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Noah the Airedale said...

Hi Lola
Gosh your human sissy is very clever and looks great in her outfit.
We noticed some tan hair coming through on Roy's nose. Does that happen when the hair grows long?

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Stanley said...

Hey, Miss Lola Dale!

You are getting your brothers into shape, and FAST! They seem to just KNOW that you are in charge (though you're not yet very large)!

Your Ally sissy is bootiful for sure. I usually don't like pink, but on her (and on you) it's very stunning.

You are so advanced for your age. You're like a little Lola sage. (Didn't mean to rhyme, but I do it all the time.) Stella, my sissy, still doesn't understand why it isn't always Stella time ALL the time.

Goober love & smooches,