We had a great visit wiff ouwr cousin Sammy! He came down from the Cape to see us and hang out and pway! It was pawesome. He's not an Airedale....he's a British Cream....whatever that means.....You decide....In any case, he pways wiff just wike Dales...he pways bitey face wiff us and he gets his coat all dirty and we all have fun!!!!
Roy Al and Sammy:
Mr. Cracker Jack, Roy Al and Sammy:
See how much we wuff to pway....it weally cool to haff a cousin that is so much fun....
Anyway, Mumsie finally got ouwr pictures wiff our new airecuts so we look weally handsome and not wike woolly boys.....anymore...not just bitey face ones....
We think we wook much betterer wiff our airecuts...and of course, much more wike Dales should. Notice that Roy Al could not put down his toy even for a minute for Mumsie....I said that was just not nice but Roy Al says he was being Dale for the picture....
Today Mumsie is going to work ona plan for a doggie day care...her vewy own! We are vewy happy to hear that...what fun to have Mumsie awound all day evewy day! Whoohooo! We will wet you know what happens as Mumsie does her homeworks.......paws crossed evwy wone!
The G-Dales Out!